Nucleic Acids Research Volume 27 Issue 1 ©1999 Oxford University Press

Protein sequence motifs

Protein sequence motifs

Database Summary Description
PROSITE go to summary Protein sequence motifs
PRINTS go to summary Protein sequence motifs
Blocks Database go to summary Protein sequence motifs
HSSP go to summary Protein sequence alignments and motifs
Pfam go to summary Protein sequence alignments and domain profiles
SBASE go to summary Annotated protein sequence segments
ProDom go to summary Protein domain families
TransTerm go to summary Protein translation initiation and termination motifs in DNA sequences
PhosphoBase go to summary Protein phosphorylation sites
O-GLYCBASE go to summary Glycoproteins and O-linked glycosylation sites
ProClass go to summary Protein sequence alignments and curation of protein families
PIR-ALN go to summary Curated protein sequence alignments
SMART go to summary Protein signalling and extracellular domain patterns
HIV Molecular Immunology Database go to summary Human immunodeficiency virus epitopes

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